We have got

new cushion pads, much needed as since we had to part with our old sofas we can’t seem to find ‘our place’ on the new ones. And now the pads have their new frock.

(cotton fabric)

This is the piece where it all started back in June. I mordanted the fabric almost a year ago with lots of proteins. In spring I bundled in cabbage and scrap iron – and waited. After rinsing all blue was gone, just iron left few marks. At that time I had some euca leaves soaking; I pick them up when we walk home from school, the ones on the ground seem to work much better than the fresh from the trees. So I bundled those in along with few wild raspberry leaves. In the pot it went again. And where the iron left marks on the fabric it reacted with tannins in the leaves leaving this pattern. From then it’s been like an invisible thread – bit by bit experimenting with iron in various forms as well as leaves containg tannins which grow locally, changing time of steeming/cooking as well as temperature.

(medium weight uholstery linen)

From scraps I made this little bag and our younger one fell in love with it – as she usually does when I make something. She is my best customer :).



    1. Marina, sometimes it takes long, sometimes less longer :), but in general it is slow and somehow to me it makes more sense to make things which take longer. And thank you!

    1. Ops, I haven’t, I have just followed other artist’s steps, namely India Flint and her two books. But thank you very much for your lovely comment about the pieces above.

  1. I really like all your recent eco prints – the almost monocrome effect are calm and classic (even though so much is ‘going on’) – perfect for pillows! The bag is superb!!!

  2. Trying to catch up with all that I ‘missed’ while I was away…..
    These prints are lovely!
    The cushions are elegant…… do they lay beside wild wooly felted cushions? I think that the two would compliment each other!
    Jeph snatched up the little bag that I made….. I should do more (after I get my sewing machine worked on, so that it stops missing stitches!).
    I scored some nice inexpensive wool fabric while in Portland…. takes prints SO well!! I might have to have Emily pick up some more for me!

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